CCIEE Holds 14th “Monthly Economic Talk”

  • Time:2010-09-06

On the morning of August 26th, 2010, CCIEE held its 14th Monthly Economic Talk at the Media Center, under the theme of “Service Industry & Transformation of Development Mode”. Mr. Wei Jianguo, Secretary General of CCIEE, chaired the talk.


Mr. Zhang Xiang, Standing Director of CCIEE and former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Economic and Trade Cooperation, Mr. Pei Changhong, Director, Researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Finance and Trade at CASS, Mr. Jiang Changyun, Researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Industrial Economy at NDRC, Mr. Wang Guanqun, Associate Researcher of CCIEE, delivered their speeches respectively at the talk. They gave in-depth analyses of the following issues, including “Vigorous Development of Service Economy & Accelerating the Transformation of Economic Development Mode”, “How Can Advanced Manufacturing Industry and Modern Service Industry Complement Each other?”, “Developing Service Industry & Balancing Urban and Rural Development” and “Economic Development Mode & Promoting Cultural Industry”. Also, they explained how to experience, consider and develop service economy from the perspectives of financial, logistic, information and cultural industry.

The experts introduced successful experiences of service industry development in the developed countries. With case studies and comparative analysis, they pointed out the problems existing in China’s service industry and emphasized the importance of urbanization and industrialization on developing service industry. Developing service industry will not only solve the conflict between the increasingly decentralized production and market connectivity, but also to withstand the adverse effect of the economic crisis as well as strengthen the manufacturing industry’s competitiveness. Finally, they suggested promoting the development of producer services through the division of labor, outsourcing, improving supply chain management, tax system reform and other measures. 

Also attended the talk were researchers from the Research and Information Departments of CCIEE, staff from the CCIEE member companies, enterprises, research institutions and media.

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