XU Hongcai
- Time:2011-05-03
Prof. Xu is the Deputy Director of the Information Department of CCIEE, Professor in finance, and Specialist of the Securities Association of China. Prior to joining CCIEE, he served a variety of senior posts at several prestigious companies, including director of the Securities and Futures Research Center at the CUEB, senior manager of venture capital and securities companies, official of the People’s Bank of China, assistant engineer of China Petrochemical Corporation. Furthermore, he visited the US and Europe on academic purpose for many times .
Prof. Xu earned his Master degree in Philosophy from the Renmin University of China in 1993, Ph.D in Economics from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 1996.
-First prize in 1994 “Shenyin Wanguo Securities” National Essay Competition
-2009 China’s 100 Top Management Trainers
Main Publications:
Prof. Xu is the author of the following books, including The Financial Strategies of Our Great Country, Research on the System and Supervision of Chinese Multilayer Market, Investment Fund and Financial development, etc.
He is also the editor-in-chief of many books, including Wages, Exchanges, Rate and Surplus-Rebalancing Path Selection for China’s Economy, Investment Fund Operations, Investment Banking, Futures Investment, etc.
Main Research Areas: international economy, monetary policy and financial market.