Qs & As for ICCGECC
- Time:2010-05-05
Q: Could you please brief us on the conference time and preparation?
A: The “International Cooperative Conference on Green Economy and Climate Change”will be held on May 7th-9th, 2010 at Beijing National Convention Center. The conference is organized by China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) and the Co-organizers are: China Huaneng Group, Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Laboratory of Low Carbon Energy of Tsinghua University, Environmental Development Center of The Ministry of Environmental Protection, World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Moreover, NDRC, National Energy Administration, Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Ministry of Science and Technology give great support to this conference.
Q: What is the purpose of convening this conference?
A: This International Conference will gather government officials, representatives of international organizations, experts, scholars and entrepreneurs of different nations together and give them an opportunity to exchange views and experiences; to enhance communication and understanding among nations in the aspect of green economy development; to reach more agreements in coping with climate change and further promote international cooperation.
Q: Could you please brief us on the speakers and participants you have invited?
A: National Leaders and governmental officials (From NDRC, National Energy Administration, Ministry of Environment Protection, Ministry of Science and Technology, etc) have been invited to elaborate China’s stand, measures and progress in developing green economy and coping with climate change. Among the foreign government officials, prestigious former politicians, scholars, experts and entrepreneurs have been invited, many of them are from developing countries. The total number of participants is approximately 500.
Q: How is the conference organized?
A: This conference consists of the opening ceremony, the main forum, 6 Sub-forum and the closing ceremony. Besides, a filed visit to the Carbon Capture and Storage Project (CCS) at the GaoBeiDian power plant of China Huaneng Group will be arranged. The theme of the six sub-forums are: “Green Economy and Sustainable Development” “Addressing Climate Change and Low-Carbon Development” “Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Participation” “Low-Carbon Energy Technology Innovation and Technology Transfer” “Carbon Finance and New Energy Sources Investment” and “Capacity Building for Combating Climate Change.”
Q: Why are these theme has been chosen?
A: After the 2009 Copenhagen Conference, the international community has started to pay close attention to the following issues: how to push international negotiation of coping with climate change forward; can different nations reach agreements in the forthcoming Bonn conference and Mexico conference; can they find a legally binding solution. CCIEE hope to make the concerning parties aware of these important issues both at home and abroad, and contribute to the development of Chinese green economy and promote international cooperation.