— Events

CCIEE Holds 91st Monthly Economic Talk - 2017-01-25
On 18 January 2017, CCIEE held the 91st Monthly Economic Talk under the theme of “Analysis of China and World Economy: 2016 and 2017”.
CCIEE and Xinhua News Agency National High-end Think Tank co-host Seminar : “Trump’s New Policy and China-US Economic and Trade Relations” - 2017-01-25
On the afternoon of 21 January 2017, CCIEE and Xinhua News Agency National High-end Think Tank co-hosted the Fourth “Research on International Economy” seminar.
Agenda for the 91st CCIEE Monthly Economic Talk - 2017-01-09
Agenda for the 90th CCIEE Monthly Economic Talk - 2016-12-15
On 21 December 2016, CCIEE held the 90th Monthly Economic Talk on the theme of "How to Solve the Problem of 'Off Virtual Economy to Real Economy' in China's Economic Development".
Agenda for the 89th CCIEE Monthly Economic Talk - 2016-11-14
On 21 November 2016, CCIEE held the 89th Monthly Economic Talk on the theme of "Facing the Future China-U.S. Relationship: Challenges and Opportunities".